Well, the big day finally came! We didn't have as big a turn out as we would have liked. But everyone who came had a great Tri-Tip BBQ meal, had fun hanging out and dancing the Salsa!
Getting the BBQ going in the morning with my Dad. It was a beautiful day in Santa Maria.
We had some really neat raffle gifts including amongst others some wine tasting tours in Paso Robles, and Kayak rentals in Morro Bay.
Mom made me stop dancing to draw the names for the raffle and everyone was pleased with the results, and then I went back to dancing. I do love to Salsa!
Thanks to everyone who took part we raised a little over $3,000. for the Northern Santa Barbara County Special Olympics group!
Also, a really big thanks to CPSalsa for providing the music.
And an especially big Thanks! to SEIU Local 620 for providing both their building, BBQ, and cooks. Plus all the drinks, chips, and all the other "little" parts necessary to make it a wonderful day.
My year as Miss Teen San Luis Obispo County 2016 is now drawing to a close, but this was a wonderful way to finish. A very busy day spent with friends all helping the wonderful athletes of Special Olympics.